
Born in Kentucky and raised in Oregon, indie-folk singer Searows is an artist with an interesting perspective on the world. In his music, he uses this to his advantage, as Searows lyrics provide a personal look into his life. Searows demonstrates an intense vulnerability with songs such as “House Song” as he explores issues like how to deal with being in complicated relationships.

Searows Music: Writing, Recording, and Producing Everything

Searows has been writing songs, singing, and even playing the guitar for years now. But it wasn’t until 2022 that he decided to pull out an old laptop and start laying the groundwork for what would become his debut album, ‘Guard Dog,’ which was released in September 2022. He taught himself how to use GarageBand and wrote, recorded, and produced all 13 songs that would eventually appear on his first full-length project.

On ‘Guard Dog,” Searows focused on singing about “learning to talk” by finding his voice and using it. It led to some profound Searows lyrics on the album’s tracks.

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