yungcihad poses in a green adidas collared shirt against a blue background


yungcihad is a Turkish hip-hop artist blending the best of Balkan beats and international rhythms. Rising to prominence on SoundCloud and TikTok, yungcihad has developed a devoted following of millions of worldwide listeners.

yungcihad: Infectious Melodies and Upbeat Rhythms 

yungcihad has been posting music on his YouTube channel for the last two years, and his following is only growing around the world. He currently touts thousands of subscribers on YouTube and TikTok, and his most prominent single, “YALA DEDİ YALAMA” has millions of streams across various platforms.

His fast-paced, often trance-like beats make yungcihad a perfect addition to any hype playlist or pregame mix.

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If you can’t resist an infectious beat, check out yungcihad and similar artists like:


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